Monday, August 20, 2007

out of the OR, finally

Karen's parents and I spent the afternoon in the waiting room getting updates from the surgical nurses every hour or two. We were visited by some of Vic & Mary's friends as well as Rev. Fink and our faithful Stephens Ministers (the Greens). We visited, waited and had some prayer time between updates.

Around 4pm Dr. Atwood emerged and we met in the consultation room. His news was good and the surgery had gone as he planned. PRAISE GOD! He said Karen's muscle structure was good and her blood flow was excellent which will help in the healing of the reconstruction. We breathed a sigh of relief and shook his hand. He told us they were dressing Karen's incisions, attaching the pain pump for her back and then they would put her in the support bra. After this she would go into recovery and then go to her room (2513). He said this would take over an hour.

Mary and Victor went to our house and I went to pickup the kids from Kori's and delivered them home. They all had a fun sleepover at Coco, Kori & Waynes but Little Vic and Ophelia immediately fell asleep in the car. I dropped the kids with Nana & Pop and then went back to the hospital with Karen's clothes & bag.

I got to the room before she did and waited. I was kind of relieved to sit down in a place besides the waiting room. She arrived on the gurney with 4 nurses in tow. I was so glad to see her but my eyes welled up with tears because the toll of the all-day surgery was evident in her face. Her poor eyes were still almost swollen shut and she was still very groggy from the medication. The nurses moved her from the gurney to the bed and I became ill as I watched helplessly while they dutifully moved her and the amount of pain she was experiencing while being moved became very apparent. I think the nurses did a fine job it is just the fact that she has such injury from the surgery. I really became weak during this time. It is excruciating to watch her in such pain and not be able to do anything about it; she had also maxed out her self regulated morphine. They administered additional oral meds and after lying there for about 20 minutes she became at rest again. We were able to talk and she became more lucid each minute. PRAISE GOD SHE IS OK and the recovery is beginning I thought to myself. She was able to eat some ice and drink some water and is now sleeping and resting.

Dr. Atwood said she would need to get up and stand tonight which is a scary proposition for me to think about right now but she is very strong and I can see her getting stronger by the minute. I think tonight will be the hardest and tomorrow she will really begin the healing process in earnest. Tomorrow she is supposed to get up and walk 3 times. Please continue to pray fervently for her recovery and thank God for answered prayer. Her surgeries went very well and this first day is almost over.

Again, thanks for all the email/text messages of encouragement. I am going to read them all to Karen tomorrow. The kids go to church-school/mother's day out in the morning and they are VERY EXCITED to see their mother tomorrow afternoon. Continue to pray for Kim and Mark.


Daniel Blasingame


Unknown said...

I know this was a very long day for all of you and I praise God that it is over and things went well for Karen. Thanks for letting me come by your house yesterday to visit with Kim and Mark. Please tell Mary to call me if and when she needs me. I will be in Benton on Wednesday for Sara's service but back that night.

Wheat said...

Thanks for the updates, Daniel. I'm relieved to hear that this very difficult day went well. You're holding together very well through all of this. I'd be a total wreck. Send Karen my (and Gina's) love.

Pamela Britt said...

Hey you strong, beautiful mama! I hope you felt me all day as I was brought to tears a dozen times praying for you. I am rejoycing your surgery went well. You are truly an amazing woman. I am blessed to have you in my life. continue to be the solid christian man that God made you to be for Karen and your babies. We are here for you however you need us. Pamela

mtaylo5 said...

"well there's something in the way she moves...she's been with me now for quite a long time...and I feel fine"
That's the song that comes to mind:) I'm not so good at quoting scripture but useless song lyrics come freely. Either way, the love we all feel for you is the same and very strong.
all my love, respect and prayers,

Melissa Dailey said...

Karen & Daniel,
As I walked the mile of prayer for Kim this morning, I prayed for you as well. I met you at the potluck (and at the marathon)at Kims.I was the one holding Fiona the whole time! I asked Mary to bring her back so I could love on her some more. I am sooo glad they got to come see you Sunday. We are surrounding her with love and prayers.Take care of yourself and have a "holy healing"! Love your blog verse, remember, it was our team name for the marathon.We will keep you in our prayers.
Melissa Dailey-Jonesboro

Annie said...

Daniel, Thank you so much for the updates. Praise the lord. Oh what a relief the surgery is over and everything went well. Karen you are such a strong, brave and awesome person. Hang in there girl! (you too Daniel). I love you both. We will continue to pray for you and your family. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

Laura Mitchel said...

We are so relieved to hear that surgery went well. Please know that we will continue to pray for your recovery, Daniel's strength, the kids, and Kim and her family. We love you all very much. Laura and Chris.

Paige & Robert said...

Oh we are so glad to hear that everything is finished and seemingly went well. We will pray tonight for your rest, pain relief (emotional for you and physical for Karen), and a good day tomorrow. Let us know if you need anything. Paige & Robert

Laura Whitley said...

Wow! What a day...a life...a journey. My sweet friend Karen:) I feel your strength from here and have faith that you are going to come through this, because a stronger woman I have yet to meet. (Although your sister, Kim, does come to mind;) Mary & Victor did some amazing things in life to have the many blessings they have, including two wonderful daughters, two special sons-in-laws, and fabulous grandchildren galore! Lets hear it for all of THOSE blessings!!!:) AMEN.
I am ever so blessed to have been a part of your family "across the creek" all those years ago, and even more blessed to continue our friendship in Christ forever!
I am sending much love, many prayers, and all the joyous thoughts I can muster in your direction, knowing that you will be well very soon.
All my love, Laura

Blanche said...

Karen & Dan, Thanks for the up-dates. I am thankful for answering machines since we never did get to talk person-to-person this past week. I haven't erased your voice because I enjoy hearing it. :) Karen, somehow I keep thinking about brushing that long, curly hair so many years ago. :) I went to bed last night with a prayer for y'all and Kim's family, woke during the night with a prayer for y'all & Kim's family, got up this morning with a prayer for y'all & Kim's family, and had you on my heart & mind all throughout the day. Looks like I'll be having you on my heart & mind as I retire tonight, too. Karen, I sent this scripture to Kim, too: Psalms 121, Living Bible: "Shall I look to the mountain gods for help? No! (Karen's) help is from Jehovah who made the mountains! And the heavens too! He will NEVER let (Karen) stumble, slip or fall. For He is ALWAYS watching, never sleeping. Jehovah himself is caring for (Karen and her family)! He is her defender. He protects her day and night. He keeps her from all evil, and preserves her life. He keeps his eye upon her as she comes and goes, and ALWAYS guards her." be it. I love you, and God loves you.Blanche

Alicia said...

Good morning friends. You are in our thoughts today and praying that your night went well, that both of you rested peacefully. Praying that you feel better with each passing hour today and that the Lord will shield you, Karen, from pain. I know you can't wait to see your babies and they can't wait to see you!! I want to come and see you so much, but I have the boys and don't think you need all that noise and confusion today :-) The Brooks Brothers...probably not hospital ready. So just know that you are loved and thought about often, as is Kim's family. Love, AB