Friday, June 13, 2008

Uganda Update closing out Fri, June 13

From Chris Thornton:

Wow.... What a day today!!! The first clinic is done and while tough all went well.

I believe the doctors saw around 200 people today. The process was chaotic at times, but the team is flexible and trusting on God and He has provided.

Tamara is better and will be able to go out with us tomorrow!!

Libby got dehydrated today and was sick the afternoon. Please pray that she feels better and can join us again. It is very hot and lots of sunshine. We were low on water today, but do not plan on that happening again.

Children’s outreach was great though overwhelming for the team. The sheer numbers of kids was a lot to handle. The team was planning tonight for tomorrow and again being flexible. They are just playing and helping and loving the kids. Pray for them to find strength. The laughter and smiles I saw told the story. And bubbles are a big hit!!

Mike Adelman is the best crowd person I have ever worked with!!! He was taking care of people. Giving and receiving high fives. He was grace and love in action.

The pharmacy ladies are tired!! They were busy from start to finish. It was hopping and they handled themselves wonderfully. Pam, Daphne, and Sylvia are my heroes. They were strong, kind, loving, organized, and just awesome. They need rest though. Sylvia needs prayers for her back tonight.

April and sunny assisted the docs and were a wonderful complement. They stepped up and just did what needed to be done.

The docs are just blessings. Both Dr. Cross and Dr. Fossey were focused and treated people like people. Great work they did today.

Our construction is half way done with their project. They even stepped in to take photos, fill vitamins bags, move furniture, and whatever needed to be done.

Saturday is the same as today. We go back to the village of Lubani and set up the clinic with the construction team and children’s outreach. Please pray for the following:

Rest tonight
God to multiply the supplies like the loaves and fish
The process to run smooth
God to be glorified
Relationships to be formed
Strength and wisdom for the team

Thank you all..... We feel each prayer. While today was crazy it got done, our hosts were so very thankful, and people received physical relief along with spiritual healing.

Talk to you tomorrow night.

Oh yeah.... My motorcycle adventure was awesome!!! I was scared, but it was thrilling and something that can only be down in Africa.

God bless,


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