From: Chris Thornton
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 3:24:17 PM
Subject: Saturday is over
Another incredible day. Powerful and tough. The doctors saw another 180 people today. It was a full day of clinics. The hard part was we could not see everyone. The people today were ones who could not be seen yesterday and still more people came when they heard a doctor was in the village. A lot of people were sent away disappointed and the team struggles with that, but we are trying to realize we cannot do it all. We can only do our part and let God do the rest. It is still tough. Crowd control got crazy a few times today as people kept trying to sneak in and cut in line and plead their case as to why they should see the doctor. Mike was a rock as always. I got to pray for him today for a few minutes to help sustain him. I loved being able to do that. He has been wonderful.
Our pharmacy ladies are still going strong. They continue to take care of all patients with grace and love. They always point out special needs so the prayer team can pray for them. They need rest and strength please.
April needs sleep. She has been awesome assisting the doctors, but she os having trouble sleeping. Rest for her.
The child outreach team was fantastic today. I saw the largest game of duck duck goose I have ever seen!! Balloon animals were a surprise hit with kids and adults!! Preston, libby, and tamara are really treating the children well.
The construction team painted 2 schools rooms over the last 2 days. They have done anything asked of them even helping separate medicines to help the pharmacy. Charles, dewey, and keith need rest and relaxation tonight.
Dr cross and fossy continue to go the extra mile. We were supposed to end at 2pm today, but they stayed till 6pm to see everyone who had been promised to see the doctor. Just awesome.
Sunny is fast becoming every child and parents best freind. She has assited the docs amd helped child evangelism. She even began to provide shampoo and tooth brushes and paste to some young women and mothers today.
Karen moved to assisting the docs today and her experience was a huge help to dr fossey. Karen is a huge blessing.
No more adventures for me today. I went to town with pastor edward again but in a car. We bought some bibles and I went with him to visit an elderly church member in the hospital. I am tired and beat up spiritually and physically. The prayer room is great and hard. So many needs and issues. I have made 8 trips on the roads in the last 2 days. Ugandan roads are not the best. I have been bumped and thrown a lot. I am tired of riding in a vehicle!!!
Tomorrow is church, the crusade, and some local toursit spots for relaxation. Please pray everyone gets rest tonight. All are tired after 2 long full days.
Happy fathers day to all our dads out there. To our kids... We miss you and love you!
Monday we leave for gulu. Please pray for the following:
Supplies to stay full
Rest and sleep
Sickness to go away
The team would be ready to pray and be a blessing to the villagers tomorrow
Thank you to all of you. We could not be doing this without prayer support.
Talk to you soon. Good night.
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