Saturday, February 2, 2008

At Home doing well

I brought Karen home yesterday around noon and she rested all afternoon and had a good night of sleep, helped by pain medication. Today she is up and about and we enjoyed a good iChat with the McNabbs on the computer before they headed off to a basketball game.

Thanks for your prayers!



Laura Whitley said...

Karen, So glad to hear you are resting, and that you have good meds:) I've been thinking about you so much lately! Mel & I were talking about you Friday night at dinner...were your ears burning? I love you so much, and know that this is a good thing; may not seem like it right now as I know surgery is not fun, but it will get better, and you will be wonderful! Take care of yourself...Daniel, you see that she does! Hello to your mom & dad. I'm actually in Benton, and missed seeing them in church today...maybe next time. Love to you all, Laura

Blanche said...

Hi, Karen, Dad, et al!
What a relief, to have this path of the journey covered! Thanks, Dan, for keeping us posted. You all are continually in our prayers. "For I know the plans I have for you..." Love you so very much!

layrockcrew said...

Hope you are doing well. You are in my thoughts and prayers so often. I check your site everyday to see if there is any new entries. Steve Squires, Gregg Vines and I are meeting in Little Rock tonight to try and get our 20 year reunion planned out. Can you believe it has been that long? Seems like only yesterday we were running relays and practicing hand-offs! I pray that you are healing well and taking care of yourself. Love ya lots!

Diana Alexander-Layrock

Christy said...

Glad to hear you are feeling good. I miss hearing updates on you and your family. Glad to have this site to stay in touch. Take care of yourself and we will pray for a quick recovery.
Love from Jonesboro,
Christy Lemmons