Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thanks Mark!

Mark McNabb was gracious enough to post Kim's service online. Please see Kim's site for the link to the youtube segments.

Daniel & Karen


msbeebe said...

Karen, just got my copy of Kim's book. What a blessing it is!! Who knows how many more people will be inspired by her words. Talked to Victor yesterday, know Mary is feeding & loving the McNabbs well. Couldn't view the service on Youtube, have SLOW dial up, can only get a second of the service. Maybe I need Daniel to come help me! Take care of yourself & the family & give Miss Ophelia a BIG BIRTHDAY KISS!!!! I love you all. Gloria

Melissa Dailey said...

Karen & Daniel,
Hey from Jonesboro!I find myself thinking about you guys a lot. I hope you have gotten settled back into some sort of routine.There has not been a day, really probably not even an hour, that has passed that I do not think of Kim. As much as we miss her, I know your heart aches even more. We love you guys and pray for you to find some sort of comfort and peace in the midst of all the pain. Come see us again when you can. We love you, hugs to the babies!
Melissa Dailey

layrockcrew said...

Thinking of you and praying for you daily. I hope you are doing well. I can't imagine how much you miss Kim. I watched part of the celebration of her life. What an AMAZING legacy. I love ya girl!


Charlotte Garner said...

Hope this post goes through. I was just thinking about you and hoping your post surgery recovery and checkups are going well. If ever you need anything, you know you can call! Take care. We love you!
Charlotte Garner

Blanche said...

Hey, Karen. I've been thinking of you so very often and hoping your recovery from surgery is going well. Would you give us an up-date? Thanks. Love you and yours so much - in fact, "gobs!," as Joel's Emma would say. :) Love and hugs, Blanche

Nursery Coordinator, Grace Croseford said...

Hi Karen!
I just wanted you to know that you are still in my thoughts and prayers.

Grace K. Croseford
P.S. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008!!!!

layrockcrew said...

Wondering how you are doing. I'm still praying for you and our prayer chain as well.